Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No classes tom.

Hello there, there would be no classes tomorrow. In school at dismissal I saw one Grande Caballero translation ( big guy Grande is big caballero guy). I feel talking spanish, well here are some spanish words I know:

Senora ( say it like sin-nyo-ra)- Lady
Ninos- (nin-yos)-kids
Caballero- (ca-bal-ye-ro)-guy
Banyo-(ban-yo) restroom

Well I cant really list them all here.

I was watching May Bukas Pa it was the episode with lots of cockroaches oh my gosh it was so gross. Well I had to watch it because it is interesting. Its like the plagues of disobeying the ten commandments.

Oh as I was saying there is no classes tom. because it is when Cory Aquino would be burried.

Peace Love Xela

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