Thursday, November 19, 2009

Samahan tom

Hey guys tomorrow is Samahan..Anyways today Im going to tell you that I passed all my Quizzes!! Well My Goal is to be an outstanding student. Today was a BAD LUCK DAY I could name two reasons

  1. When I was about to tie my hair my trusty rubber band broke
  2. While I was heading back to school I accidentally stepped on a rock and a I slipped
Two reasons! What if I got 9! I would be the WORST PERSON EVER oh Wait!! I got another one

3. Andrea Couldn't go to our house!
Now three reasons.. Today I had piano lessons I learned a new song it has a blue blah blah and I really should be sleeping right now... I have a theory why my rubber band broke..I always wanted it to break to make my hair lugay well I learned a lesson. Be careful what you wish for. Okay so im going to eat a cake then sleep now so Good Night!


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