Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Surprising Day


Tonight, before I read a book and drift to sleep. I’d love to share the story of my day.

Today is a VERY surprising day. Actually, only one thing surprised me.

I became one of the schools Layout Artist :)

I really thought that Nikookie would win, then I just learned that she didn’t save her work, instead she just minimized it.

I hope next year she’d audition.

Today, we had a quiz in Sibika. Got 18/20. Darn those two mistakes :)

Now, I’m just here.. sitting, thinking of what to write. Nothing is really new in my life.

I also saw this poem, what my classmate wrote for me, for English class.



pink, Passenger Seat, Taylor Swift

good, very charming.


Don’t believe me?

I took a picture of it.


(Click to Enlarge.)


I really need sleep. Read a book, I borrowed from a friend.. and just drift off to sleep.




  1. Hi :-) I just stumbled upon your blog while I was searching for some interesting blogs via Blogger. ;-) I can say that your works are really nice. :-) I've been wondering, what font did you use in writing 'Dolphienchewy' ? it's really cute! <3

  2. Hi :-) I just stumbled upon your blog while I was searching for some interesting blogs via Blogger. ;-) I can say that your works are really nice. :-) I've been wondering, what font did you use in writing 'Dolphienchewy' ? it's really cute! <3
