Saturday, November 14, 2009

Im Calmed

Hi everyone its Alex. A lot of you ( well not a lot there is actually I think only 4 reading this blog) So, 4 or less of you guys saw my commercial:) I happily edited it...since I didn't have anything to do at the moment. I got to tell you guys something, its that people lie to me and says ITS JUST A JOKE. But the joke is serious well im not going to name names but there is this one time.....(not going to tell). I think that's why I know I shouldn't trust anyone anymore anyways. for the near-end year since its already november. I learned many things this school year........But the main part is that I could NEVER trust anyone except my dearest friends
  • Andrea
  • Angelika
  • Rizzelle
  • Ana( I think)
  • And a special friend in my grade 2 years (K_____)
Well I aranged it alphabetically........... well I know I offended some but

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