Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Last Day

Hi Everyone.
Its Alexandra. And its the Last day of school. So yeah. Tomorrow is the 'Premiere' of The days of summer. I still cant believe its already the Last Day. Also I cant be posting the video because of some editing problems. I also am making a story for Nathan and Miranda Kress. So yeah its going to be on my creddie journal. Just go to the link below this post. Hahaha. And I appreciate you commenting on my posts. *Hint Hint*. And I pretty obsessed with the song Passenger Seat by Stephen Speaks. Sometimes before I know it I'm in my pretty really weird world. I'm actually being pretty emo these days. I need help from any friend but I cant seem to tell whats wrong with them. I'm pretty scared to tell them. Well I'm telling you this. This is a pretty good start. I'm in love with the pairing of Nathan and Miranda Kress. Yeah so


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